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Draft: Extend Support for CUDA and HIP kernel invocations

Frederik Hennig requested to merge fhennig/cuda-invoke into master

This MR extends the support for CUDA and HIP kernel invocations and API reflection in pystencils-sfg, reflecting the concepts introduced in pystencils!449 (merged).

  • Move GPU-related stuff into new composer mix-in SfgGpuComposer
  • Replace cuda_invoke() by gpu_invoke()
  • Implement three separate signatures of gpu_invoke(), depending on the kernel indexing scheme selected by the user
  • Replace extensions.gpu by lang.gpu
  • Add explanations on GPU kernels to user manual

This MR will already be using Target.HIP and therefore will have to wait for pystencils!458.

Edited by Frederik Hennig

Merge request reports